Thursday 12 April 2007

Giraffes Can Lick Their Ears !!!

It's true!!! Their tongues are long enough (45cm / 18 inches). Some people speculate that they (giraffes) can lick their eyes as well, but I have been unable to verify this. Geckos however can lick their eyes and love to show humans how good they are at it. Most humans can't lick their ears or eyes, but some very special humans are able to lick their nose. Some even specialer humans are able to lick their elbows, but you're extremely lucky if you get to view one of these humans as they are very rare.

But back to the giraffe, they are the tallest land animal, growing to about 4m (16.5 feet). That's more than twice as tall as the average human, and they are highly prized by hunters for their meat, skin and for extracting good luck charms from their bodies. At the last estimate there were 141,000 giraffes on the planet. that's about .002% of the human population (about 6.5 billion). Compared to giraffes, humans are extremely successful. More humans are born every day (about 203,800) than the entire world giraffe population. But giraffes aren't endangered. The giraffe has not become endangered for a number of reasons.
They are not feared by humans and they are not killed for any folk medicine remedies. They do not compete for food with livestock such as sheep and cows. They do not eat farmers' crops, and finally, they are admired the world over for their enormous size, natural beauty, and mild nature
- San Diego Zoo

... that's fortunate for the giraffes, they're lucky they aren't giant pandas, there are only about 1,600 of those left. Or mountain gorillas, there are only about 670 of those.

Now pandas are cute and gorillas are funny, but I don't care, I'd much rather be a human. We're better because there are more of us ... even if we can't lick our ears.

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