"Like walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch nail in your heel".
Now, as we all know, men on the whole often don't have much to recommend them. They're often not too smart, may not be wealthy or good looking and sometimes smell funny, but one thing a bloke might have in his favour, even if he lacks all other winning characteristics, is toughness. A bloke who knows he hasn't got much else about him will often go to great lengths to establish his toughness, so that at least he has something to offer the prospective mother of his children.
With this in mind, certain tribespeople of the Atlantic coastal lowland rainforests, have evolved an initiation rite for their boys, that will be sure to win them partners, if from no other motivation than sympathy. What they do is, they catch a whole lot of these ants, knock them out by drowning them in a natural chloroform, then weave hundreds of them into sleeves made out of leaves, stinger facing inward. When the ants come to, the boys slip the sleeve onto their arm and have to wear it for ten minutes without showing any signs of pain. This ordeal causes temporary paralysis and days of uncontrollable shaking, but at least everyone knows how tough the boys are.
A typical first reaction on reading this will probably be something along the lines of "I'm glad we don't have stupid initiation rites for adolescent boys to prove how brave and tough they are", but on second thoughts, of course we do. On any given day the electronic and print media serve up a cornucopia of examples of teenage boys doing stupid things to prove their courage and virility. Particularly exciting examples include gang wars, gay bashing, binge drinking, rape, vandalism, the list goes on and on, and what distinguishes these acts from the primitive rituals described above is that the initiate, in fact, suffers no pain or personal loss. This is yet another example of how modern western society is so much cleverer than all other societies. In our male initiation rites, the pain isn't inflicted on the adolescent male, it's inflicted on the rest of society by the adolescent male! This is a much more sensitive and intelligent approach than that of those South American savages.
Far be it from me to disparage teenage boys, I used to be one after all, and for all I know, gentle reader, you may be one as well, or at least related to one that you like. I'm not tarring all adolescent boys with the same brush, but honestly, who can argue that a huge percentage of the mindless destruction that takes place on our streets is perpetrated by teenage boys who feel inadequate about themselves. Look, if you think you fit into this category, I have a message for you. You really don't need to compensate for your inadequacies by knocking over my garbage bin. You're really not all that ugly or stupid, OK? Really, would I kid you?
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